jangan tanya kenapa dan mengapa.
gara-gara gagal mendownlod..jadinye..
di sini la akhirnye tempat menyimpan khazanah cikgu kiah =D
Lesson Plan Science Tahun 3- Spring part 2
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Sunday, June 21, 2009
24jun (rabu),
rejab kembali lagi.
sedikit tatapan buat semua.
sila klik ke laman ibu alya & aina untuk info lanjut.
(wah, xpasal2 mempromote blog angah ni.hehe)
jadi marilah kita sama2 manfaatkan bulan Allah swt ini kalian..
kepada yg masih berhutang tu..xreti2 ke nk bayo blk puasa tuh..huhu..sentap..=)
rejab kembali lagi.
sedikit tatapan buat semua.
sila klik ke laman ibu alya & aina untuk info lanjut.
(wah, xpasal2 mempromote blog angah ni.hehe)
jadi marilah kita sama2 manfaatkan bulan Allah swt ini kalian..
kepada yg masih berhutang tu..xreti2 ke nk bayo blk puasa tuh..huhu..sentap..=)
Saturday, June 13, 2009
-The ClimB-
Menulis sambil mendownlod the climb, menunggu si rentung akhirnya aku sndri yg cari..huhu..
Sangat mls menulis lately.bukannye sebuk..pejam celik dh 2mgu dah cuti dengan rasminye....xtau kenapa.bukan xde cerita.tp jari jemari seakan2 kurang rancak menari2..hehe.
1more wik left, Akhirnya reunion kami nk ber’water rafting” cuti ni xkesampaian. Schedule msg2 clash.Azua dgn tiqah je yg still bersemangat waja nk "berpadle"
xpela wa, seluar nas + beg aku lagi bahagia rasenye..haha..
Tp aku dh berjaya kebas baucer diskaun sunway lagoon dr nas..so masih mencari2 mangsa tuk ke sana =p..
huh aku dh mula kecut perut nk stat praktikal..oh silap..bukan kecut perut..tp agak mls nk jd seorang guru yg poyo dengan ABM yg mengarut2.huhu..gile malas..tp nk xnk, minggu ni dah kena prepare sket2 tuk ke sekolah.harap2 si kecik 2 ketul tu xmengganggu minggu ni.hopefully!
Sangat mls menulis lately.bukannye sebuk..pejam celik dh 2mgu dah cuti dengan rasminye....xtau kenapa.bukan xde cerita.tp jari jemari seakan2 kurang rancak menari2..hehe.
1more wik left, Akhirnya reunion kami nk ber’water rafting” cuti ni xkesampaian. Schedule msg2 clash.Azua dgn tiqah je yg still bersemangat waja nk "berpadle"
xpela wa, seluar nas + beg aku lagi bahagia rasenye..haha..
Tp aku dh berjaya kebas baucer diskaun sunway lagoon dr nas..so masih mencari2 mangsa tuk ke sana =p..
huh aku dh mula kecut perut nk stat praktikal..oh silap..bukan kecut perut..tp agak mls nk jd seorang guru yg poyo dengan ABM yg mengarut2.huhu..gile malas..tp nk xnk, minggu ni dah kena prepare sket2 tuk ke sekolah.harap2 si kecik 2 ketul tu xmengganggu minggu ni.hopefully!
Sunday, June 7, 2009
6/6/9..sume nye berebut nak wat majlis renjis ari yg sama..
so nasebla..bnyk sgt yg clash..aku sempat jenguk renjis sepupu aku n renjis k.onen je kt trolak semalam..
hmm..kalo 9/9/9 bukan jatuh pada bulan puasa,rasanya sure bederet jgak la org nk renjis2 time tu kn..huhuhu..perlu ke? =p
kan ke sng kalo pilih wekdays je..confirm xclash dgn org len..tp confirm jgak la, hangin sedara mare sbb nk kena apply cuti..hahah..nasebla..janji pengantin yg dpt cuti babe..hehe..

kami dgn k.onen..
to k.onen, semoga bahagia ke akhir hayat.movie mlm td kata "the key to happiness is doing what you love with people you love." hmm...nice!

kami yang wajib berposing =) ..tp xcukup korum..nas last minit balik jb merenjis kenduri kawen ika kt muo.. (alasan semata2 nk jumpa si pendek la tu =p)

nape xcenter ek? perlu ke ade ruang kosong sebelah tu..=p

atas katil..pose berkat yg wajib jgak ni..hehe
so nasebla..bnyk sgt yg clash..aku sempat jenguk renjis sepupu aku n renjis k.onen je kt trolak semalam..
hmm..kalo 9/9/9 bukan jatuh pada bulan puasa,rasanya sure bederet jgak la org nk renjis2 time tu kn..huhuhu..perlu ke? =p
kan ke sng kalo pilih wekdays je..confirm xclash dgn org len..tp confirm jgak la, hangin sedara mare sbb nk kena apply cuti..hahah..nasebla..janji pengantin yg dpt cuti babe..hehe..
kami dgn k.onen..
to k.onen, semoga bahagia ke akhir hayat.movie mlm td kata "the key to happiness is doing what you love with people you love." hmm...nice!
kami yang wajib berposing =) ..tp xcukup korum..nas last minit balik jb merenjis kenduri kawen ika kt muo.. (alasan semata2 nk jumpa si pendek la tu =p)
nape xcenter ek? perlu ke ade ruang kosong sebelah tu..=p
atas katil..pose berkat yg wajib jgak ni..hehe
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Sgt xde idea untuk menulis lately..ups.adea bnyk tp xsempat..hehe
kebetulan dapat tag dari adik ..so, terupdate la jgak blog ni..
untuk pertama kalinye aku menjawab tag..
the rules:-Link to your tagger and post these rules. List 8 random facts about yourself and tag 8 people
1. ayu
2. sopan santun
3. pemalu
4. cantek
5. romantik
haha..auta semata2 fact di atas..
fact di bawah rasenye boleh dipercayai kot..
6. pantang nampak camera..posing xsudah =)
7. pantang nampak org ensem..blink2 matanye
8. si gadis yang malu tp mahu
-your appearence-
-in a opposite gender-
-this or that-
-have you ever-
kawan2 yang bakal di tag
1. si rentung
2. nas
3.cik min
4. azua
5. am
6. mahadi
7. cikgu temah
8. anyone..
kebetulan dapat tag dari adik ..so, terupdate la jgak blog ni..
untuk pertama kalinye aku menjawab tag..
the rules:-Link to your tagger and post these rules. List 8 random facts about yourself and tag 8 people
1. ayu
2. sopan santun
3. pemalu
4. cantek
5. romantik
haha..auta semata2 fact di atas..
fact di bawah rasenye boleh dipercayai kot..
6. pantang nampak camera..posing xsudah =)
7. pantang nampak org ensem..blink2 matanye
8. si gadis yang malu tp mahu
first name
nick name
iNA, cIk iNA, MAkSu
name you wish you had
sedap didengar cukup..
what do people normally your name as
hmm..xpenah silap..tp masa fom3 cikgu panggil CEmpAka..hehe
23/8/1995..waa..mude nye aku..
time of birth
ntahh.. ptg kot
single or taken
ape yg single ape yg taken..yg pasti sepuluh jari masih kosong =)
zodiac sign
nick name
iNA, cIk iNA, MAkSu
name you wish you had
sedap didengar cukup..
what do people normally your name as
hmm..xpenah silap..tp masa fom3 cikgu panggil CEmpAka..hehe
23/8/1995..waa..mude nye aku..
time of birth
ntahh.. ptg kot
single or taken
ape yg single ape yg taken..yg pasti sepuluh jari masih kosong =)
zodiac sign
-your appearence-
h0w tall are you
wish you were taller
eye colour
a litle bit brownish..ye ke?
natural hair caler
black laa..
current hair color
hitam la..
short or long hair
ever dye your hair a bizarre color
last time you did something dramatic with you hair
baru je tatkala jiwa kacau..haha
glasses or contact
do you were make up
paint your nails
wish you were taller
eye colour
a litle bit brownish..ye ke?
natural hair caler
black laa..
current hair color
hitam la..
short or long hair
ever dye your hair a bizarre color
last time you did something dramatic with you hair
baru je tatkala jiwa kacau..haha
glasses or contact
do you were make up
paint your nails
-in a opposite gender-
what color eye
dun care
what color hair
of coz la itam..xkn nk yg dh beruban kot..huhu
shy or outgoing
sexy or cute
hmm...sedap mata memandang
serious or fun
both..jgn mental sudah
older or younger than you
of coz la bukan anak ikan kn..
a turn on
dun know
a turn off
dun know
dun care
what color hair
of coz la itam..xkn nk yg dh beruban kot..huhu
shy or outgoing
sexy or cute
hmm...sedap mata memandang
serious or fun
both..jgn mental sudah
older or younger than you
of coz la bukan anak ikan kn..
a turn on
dun know
a turn off
dun know
-this or that-
flowers or chocolates
coklat la boleh telan..
pepsi or coke
i prefer pepsi
rap or rock
relationship or one night stand
hmmmm...msti la forever night stand..haha
school or work
sekolah lagi
love or money
msti la money..materialistiknye aku..
movie or music
country or city
sunny or rainy days
friends or family
friends my best buddy but family 1st okeh..
coklat la boleh telan..
pepsi or coke
i prefer pepsi
rap or rock
relationship or one night stand
hmmmm...msti la forever night stand..haha
school or work
sekolah lagi
love or money
msti la money..materialistiknye aku..
movie or music
country or city
sunny or rainy days
friends or family
friends my best buddy but family 1st okeh..
-have you ever-
xtekira bnyaknya
stole something
mcm penah kot =)
penah try sekali..gile xsedap..
hurt someone close to you
broke someone's heart
xtekira jgak bnyknye..ampunn!!!
had you heart broken
hmm..fair la.wat u give u get back la kn =(
wonder what was wrong with you
wish you were prince or princess
princess ofcourse
like someone who was taken
jeling dari jauh je.org punya babe
shaved your head
never ever never..
used chopstick
sang in the mirror to yourself
xtekira bnyaknya
stole something
mcm penah kot =)
penah try sekali..gile xsedap..
hurt someone close to you
broke someone's heart
xtekira jgak bnyknye..ampunn!!!
had you heart broken
hmm..fair la.wat u give u get back la kn =(
wonder what was wrong with you
wish you were prince or princess
princess ofcourse
like someone who was taken
jeling dari jauh je.org punya babe
shaved your head
never ever never..
used chopstick
sang in the mirror to yourself
aku suka bunga ke?
sume telan je
old mcdonald had a farm..eee.iii.eeii ..ooo..hehe
blue maybe
no idea
sedap di dengar..layann
junk food
bnyk sgt..
sila klik di favourite saya k
royal town
my panda =)
aku suka bunga ke?
sume telan je
old mcdonald had a farm..eee.iii.eeii ..ooo..hehe
blue maybe
no idea
sedap di dengar..layann
junk food
bnyk sgt..
sila klik di favourite saya k
royal town
my panda =)
ever cried over someone
ade kot
is there anything you wish you could change about yourself
do you think you're attractive
hehe..lu pk la sndri..bak kata nas..xde yg elok nye pon
if you had to choose a fairytale as your life what would you choose
Do you play any sports
dari squash dh berjinak2 dgn basket ball..hahaha
ade kot
is there anything you wish you could change about yourself
do you think you're attractive
hehe..lu pk la sndri..bak kata nas..xde yg elok nye pon
if you had to choose a fairytale as your life what would you choose
Do you play any sports
dari squash dh berjinak2 dgn basket ball..hahaha
kawan2 yang bakal di tag
1. si rentung
2. nas
3.cik min
4. azua
5. am
6. mahadi
7. cikgu temah
8. anyone..
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